Unit 1:Configure Your Operating System1
Part 1: Listening3
Part 2: Speaking10
Part 3: Reading19
Part 4: Writing29
Part 5: Inside the Industry32
Unit 2:Install and Configure Programs37
Part 1: Listening39
Part 2: Speaking44
Part 3: Reading52
Part 4: Writing59
Part 5: Inside the Industry63
Unit 3:Computer Security65
Part 1: Listening67
Part 2: Speaking72
Part 3: Reading81
Part 4: Writing92
Part 5: Inside the Industry95
Unit 4:Communicate Online97
Part 1: Listening99
Part 2: Speaking104
Part 3: Reading110
Part 4: Writing120
Part 5: Inside the Industry123
Unit 5:Office Automation(Software)125
Part 1: Listening127
Part 2: Speaking132
Part 3: Reading140
Part 4: Writing152
Part 5: Inside the Industry155
Unit 6:Surf the Network157
Part 1: Listening159
Part 2: Speaking164
Part 3: Reading174
Part 4: Writing187
Part 5: Inside the Industry190
Unit 7:Work with Search Engines192
Part 1: Listening194
Part 2: Speaking100
Part 3: Reading208
Part 4: Writing217
Part 5: Inside the Industry220
Unit 8:Office Equipment223
Part 1: Listening225
Part 2: Speaking231
Part 3: Reading238
Part 4: Writing247
Part 5: Inside the Industry250
Unit 9:Smooth Your Computer252
Part 1: Listening254
Part 2: Speaking260
Part 3: Reading269
Part 4: Writing277
Part 5: Inside the Industry280
Unit 10:Multimedia282
Part 1: Listening284
Part 2: Speaking288
Part 3: Reading295
Part 4: Writing304
Part 5: Inside the Industry307