
英语电影赏析(修订版) 教材名称: 英语电影赏析(修订版)
ISBN号: 978-7-89436-200-1 作者: 孙建华
字数: 195千字 规格: 16开
印制时间: 2016-01-01 出版日期: 2016-01-01
定价: 29.8 元 样章下载: 样章-英语电影赏析(修订版).pdf

The book consists of 10 units, the subjects and contents of which are set from the culture aspects of English movies. The first two units start with the college life and western festivals, which the students are quite familiar with. The units from units 3 to 8 involves love, mystery, superstitions, etc., which helps the students understand western culture and society. The last two units illustrate the profound consideration of the social concept and future development.

Unit 1Western Campus Life1
Unit 2Western Festivals and Holidays14
Unit 3Western Love Stories26
Unit 4American Animated Movies39
Unit 5Product Placements52
Unit 6Chinese Elements66
Unit 7Superstitions and Religions78
Unit 8Mystery and Legends91
Unit 9American Society and Culture105
Unit 10Future Technology and Society120
Appendix I131
Appendix II135

As a textbook for cultivating humanistic qualities, the book aims to cultivate the appreciation of beauty, enlarge international horizon,improve the cultural and artistic accomplishments, and enhance the abilities of English speaking and listening, providing necessary cultural deposits for future international communications. The textbook is written for 4-year undergraduates and 3-year students who have passed Precto A in the Application-Oriented Universities.