教材名称: | 英语电影赏析 | |||
ISBN号: | 978-7-89436-663-4 | 作者: | 孙建华 | |
字数: | 237千字 | 规格: | 16开 | |
印制时间: | 2020-02-01 | 出版日期: | 2020-02-01 | |
定价: | 29.8 元 | 样章下载: | 英语电影赏析—样章.pdf | |
购买地址: |
☆Basic InformationBased on years of teaching reform and research, we have summed up the experiences and lessons of its former edition Appreciating English Movies. Taking the theories of TOPCARES-CDIO teaching reform as a guideline, and reworking the textbook according to the course integration system with an aim to cultivate the abilities of the student. While reworking this textbook, Outcome-Based Education (OBE) was a major consideration to first fully understand the aims of the course, set the outcomes of the knowledge, ability and quality goals accordingly, organize the contents and teaching methods according to the goals, and design the subjects and contents with the same approaches. In the constructing the framework of the textbook, we took the project of an English Premier as a template with the sequence of units increasing in difficulty. Meanwhile, we consulted teachers who have taught using textbook and the students who have selected the course, to make the textbook better fit the English level and learning goals of the students.The teaching goals of the curriculum are to take English movies as the core object to learn English and integrate all units with these movies to cultivate the students’ abilities to understand and appreciate artworks, improve their humanistic qualities, enlarge their international and global horizons, and enhance their understandings and learning of western cultures. To achieve the above core ability goals, we set each unit with a cultural subject. Each unit begins with a case study, cultural elements are illustrate with movie clips, and further case studies are for the students to analyze with to increase their basic movie knowledge and grow their movie appreciation skills.All the contents of the book are written in simple English, which is to help the students adjust to reading English materials and lay a solid basis for their future English curriculum. Meanwhile, considering the differences of the students and the difficulties in understanding movie jargon, we add some Chinese notes on the side of the pages to Foreword——for Appreciating English Movies 4英语电影赏析CDIO工程教育系列“十三五”规划教材help the students to understand the contents.☆Overall Design of the Textbook and Teaching SuggestionsI. A Brief Introduction of the Teaching Goals1. Application ObjectsAs a textbook for cultivating humanistic qualities, the book aims to cultivate the appreciation of beauty, enlarge international horizons, improve the cultural and artistic accomplishments, enhance the abilities of English speaking and listening, and provide necessary cultural familiarity for future international communications. The textbook is written for 4-year undergraduates and 3-year students who have passed Precto A in the Application-Oriented Universities.2. Basis RequirementsTo learn this book, the students should acquire the knowledge and skills required by the high school English teaching syllabus, master basic daily expressions, understand general conversations, and communicate fluently in English.3. Overall GoalsAfter learning the textbook, the students will be able to understand and analyze artistic works, increase the understanding of international cultures, learn and understand English cultures.4. Compiling TeamThe textbook is compiled by the curriculum team, which consists of members from China and foreign teachers utilizing a rich experience teaching English, as well as deep understanding of culture values in English films and English society. All of the members have years of teaching experience in Dalian Neusoft University of Information which enables them understand the students’ interests as well as the features of their learning activities. The joint efforts of all the compilers contribute to an interesting and informative textbook.II. Logic System Framework1. Basic StructureWe selected cultural topics that are representative and positive aspects of cultural artistry, humanistic qualities, and culture transfer from a wide range of materials. All the units are arranged in the sequence of difficulty, from the easiest to the most difficult: from Foreword5basic college life and traditional festivals, to the social life and cultural phenomena, and advanced topics about society and future development.A major project is used throughout the whole textbook. With the implementation of the project Movie Premiere, the book aims to cultivate the abilities of appreciating movies, understanding cultural subjects, and enlarging horizons of the students. The project is presented as a series of tasks in each unit, which will come together as a major project when taken altogether.2. Contents of the TextbookThe book consists of 12 units, the subjects and contents of which are set from the culture aspects of English movies. The first 5 units start with the college life and western festivals, which the students are quite familiar with. The units from units 6 to 9 involve love, mystery, superstitions, etc., which help the students understand western culture and society. The last 3 units illustrate the profound consideration of the social concept and future development.Jianhua Sun September 2019
Unit 1 Western Campus LifeUnit 2 English CuisineUnit 3 Western Festivals and HolidaysUnit 4 Experiencing Love and RomanceUnit 5 American Animated MoviesUnit 6 Chinese ElementsUnit 7 HeroismUnit 8 Fantasy and LegendsUnit 9 Product PlacementsUnit 10 Humans and NatureUnit 11 Attitude to LifeUnit 12 Life in the FutureAppendix I Project InstructionAppendix II Knowledge and Ability PointsContents11122344557688194108121130143148
2016年6月,中国成为国际本科工程学位互认协议《华盛顿协议》的正式会员,这是中国工程教育国际化进程的重要里程碑。“回归工程”、培养学生的“大工程观”是当今国际工程教育的主流理念。《华盛顿协议》对毕业生提出的12条素质要求中,不仅要求工程知识、工程能力,还强调通用能力和品德伦理;在实践上,以学生为中心,以产出为导向,注重对目标达成的支撑及持续改进,与CDIO工程教育实质等效。CDIO工程教育是近年来国际工程教育改革的最新成果,以“预期学习结果”集合来驱动课程内容、教学方法、教育文化的设计,重视营造工程教育文化,其注重工程能力培养和基于工程项目全生命周期的一体化设计思想,对于国内工程类和相关专业的建设具有重要的实施价值。作为承载了教学改革思想的载体,融入CDIO工程教育理念的高品质教材,东软CDIO工程教育教材在注重理实结合的同时,也注重对学生八大能力的培养,即:技术知识与推理能力,开放式思维与创新,个人职业能力,沟通表达与团队合作,态度与习惯,责任,价值观,实践构思、设计、实现和运行对社会的贡献。CDIO工程教育教材是 CDIO教育教学改革在教学实施过程中的集中体现,它不仅承载着课程和项目的教学内容,而且贯穿和体现了CDIO工程教育的理念、思想与方法,是在系统化理论的指导下,将知识、能力、素质培养进行一体化设计,有机融合在教材体系中。教材的编写以能力培养为主线,以案例教学为引导,以项目为载体,充分体现“做中学”和“学中做”的思想,具有以下优势:(1)以能力培养为主线,培养学生专业知识学习能力和工程实践能力。(2)以案例为驱动,在做案例的过程中学习新知识,充分体现了“做中学”。(3)以项目为载体,基于工程化教育方法,按照分析、设计、实施、运行展开项目及知识点的讲解。(4)围绕专业知识结构和能力体系设计教材,实现同一专业下不同教材紧密的关联性。(5)内容编排循序渐进,符合人的认知规律。(6)适应柔性化教学变革,构建一体化、立体化教学资源。CDIO工程教育教材可供以应用型人才为培养目标的高等院校以及职业培训机构作为教材使用。目前,CDIO工程教育教材的建设还处于探索阶段,是一项创造性的工作,尚需要通过改革的实践不断加以深化和持续改进,任重而道远。
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